
Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us by Seth Godin

sting8's review

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Another marketing book. Meh.

lratkinson's review

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WooHoo! Curious, maker of ruckus, storyteller, supporter of fewer limits, has initiative, a heretic, over-the-top, caller to action, finding the cause worth fighting for, rule breaker, passionate, rabble-rouser-- Sounds like I need me a tribe;-)

cathy718's review

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Now, isn't this interesting? I gave this book four stars right after I finished reading it a few months ago but just now as I bring it up to write a review, I can't remember a thing about it.

I'll have to crack it open... and refresh my memory...

Oh yes! This is a call to leadership. To Seth Godin our "tribes" - the groups we belong to and therefore have an opportunity to influence - are morphing and expanding and shifting in the internet age. Instead of just a tribe like "people who live in the same town" or "members of the same church", a tribe could be 25 people from all around the world who dearly love mustard, or women in their fifties who always remember to wear purple socks on December 9 in honor of Donny Osmond's birthday. (There's probably hundreds of us....)

So, with so many horizontal and vertical groups waiting for leadership, the opportunities to fill the void are infinite. What's more, according to Godin, who is a marketing expert, embracing such leadership opportunity can be profitable. The trick he said, is to facilitate the tribe's discussion, connect them with each other, and catalyze forward motion toward some exciting goal. It's about engaging the group. Do that, and you can write your own ticket.

A good quote: "In a battle between two ideas, the best one doesn't necessarily win. No, the idea that wins is the one with the most fearless heretic behind it." Ain't that the truth? The best leaders are the people who have conquered their fear of being out front.

Godin's writing style is quick and tight and visual. We can all recognize ourselves and the bureaucrats in our lives in the fun stories he tells about stuckness and mediocrity. He's probably earning a decent living turning out these simple, hip little books and I am OK with that. I see now why I gave it four stars. I enjoyed my time reading it, and there's huge value in that. I'm glad Seth Godin thinks there's a leader in me... now, it's up to me to remember where to find it.

jackiedotson's review

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This was an amazing book. Definitely in my top 5 of Seth Godin reads.

carol_saxelby's review

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This book was a birthday gift to me. I've since read quite a bit of Seth Godin, and I have to say, the man speaks a great deal of sense. I won't do this book any kind of disservice by trying to describe it or say why I thought it was marvellous. The author can do that for himself far better than I can. Just get it, read it, and take from it what you need. There's something in it for everyone.

brianstorming's review

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I actually met Seth Godin when I was in college. I went to a direct mail marketing meeting as a student guest. There is really nothing like him. I’ve read a number of his books and he’s the heretic who is always 5-10 years ahead of everyone else. It’s not always an exact match with what he believes, but he’s always there in the mix.

This book is much the same, and coming at a good time for me. It’s filled with things that are going to shape my services for the next few years. But for bow I have to go back and write them all down. This is definitely a read, then reread and take notes type of book for me.

nzagalo's review

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Too much selling spirit for me... and an impressive lack of substance...

alhaider's review

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This is a must read for any social media manager. It turns what you have thought of as a leader into something completely different. If you have specialized knowledge you can become a leader of a tribe.

vrydberg's review

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I probably would have loved this book when it came out in 2008. I had to laugh at how technology has changed in the past 11 years! I did find a couple of great quotes/thoughts in the book.

here_goes_books's review

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A quick ra-ra call to action. Seth offers numerous examples of leaders you most likely have never heard of who are leading a tribe of followers. Look at the book as a friendly encouragement to take a chance, more than a how to guide on leadership.

Seth drops a lot if names and ideas for further investigation should you want the biography or dummies guide.