
Chasing the Prophecy by Brandon Mull

hardingc's review against another edition

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Great final novel to a fun trilogy. Some of the conclusion came a little too easy but then again there were hard choices the characters needed to make despite the easy solutions to problems and that's what kept me turning the pages. A full review is coming...

mstaker's review against another edition

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This book ripped my heart out. It was touching to see the loyalty and love these characters had for each other. This book is packed with action, some good twists and turns, and an incredible ending. Now I see why my boys loved these books so much and I can't believe it took me so long to read them!

danihays's review against another edition

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Reread: December 2018

This was such a solid book, and a fantastic conclusion to the series. Brandon Mull truly did not shy away from the casualties of war. The only reason the rating dropped from a 5 to a 4 is because there were just a few things that astonished me the first time around, but I remembered them this time so it didn’t have quite the same impact. Still, this is a fantastic series. Definitely recommend.

unrulyheart's review against another edition

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Reread: December 2018

This was such a solid book, and a fantastic conclusion to the series. Brandon Mull truly did not shy away from the casualties of war. The only reason the rating dropped from a 5 to a 4 is because there were just a few things that astonished me the first time around, but I remembered them this time so it didn’t have quite the same impact. Still, this is a fantastic series. Definitely recommend.

madmadammim's review against another edition

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I don't know that the ending of a series has ever actually made me cry before, but that was really sad. I actually had to stop reading for a minute. But it was a really good ending. An amazingly good ending, actually. Brandon Mull's writing improved a lot in this last book. That was. . . a really good end to this series. The characters matured and filled out a lot. The tough deaths that authors seem to hate writing weren't avoided or rushed over, but the weren't drawn out either. Aaah, I am just to sad to be writing this right now. Maybe after I read it a second time I'll be happy enough to write something worth while about it, but the fact that the series is over, and how sad the ending was just make me want to sit and savor it for now. Awesome book, and an amazing end.

carmby's review against another edition

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Rather than show how difficult the tasks for the heroes would be, Mull seemed content with the characters constantly discussing their impending doom. As my husband put it, "It will basically be impossible to win if we try, but it will definitely be impossible if we don't try. We might as well try." I got so sick of this as the book continued.
With all that being said, the world and characters that Mull created are so much fun and I did enjoy the ending. Overall, I think the series was too young for me. If the characters were a little older and it had been a titch more adult, I think I would have liked it that much more. Glad I read it though, especially since it's fun to talk about with Doug.

awesome514's review against another edition

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Fantastic. I loved this series. I was very impressed that the author wasn't afraid to challenge Middle Readers and Young Adults, although the imagination and creativity of this story and its characters will appeal to any age.

taiyakipan's review against another edition

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I don't know about you guys but this made my heart skip when I first read it. Stunning. Epic. CONCLUSION. Just what in heavens name will happen?? I mean, I've been waiting for a full whole year to read this then spent a couple of months for a hardcover version to arrive in my country! In a book lover's point of view, that is equivalent to a century, thank you very much! That whole sentence punched me right through my face, taunting me. But its all in the past now. CUZ IVE READ IT YOU SUPER OUTDATED PHILIPPINE BOOKSTORES!! *Phew* There I've said it. Teehee.

I initially rated this book 5 out 5. But thought so otherwise. All in all, it was a great read. Very entertaining and fulfilling. It brought me laughter, tears, some grumbles here and there. It moved me. The whole series was worth it. The last book was amazing despite of all the flaws that ive stated in my blog post. Check it here: Three Blank Pages ;)

4/5 but still worth everything :D

juliaherkel's review against another edition

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How does one describe such an unbelievable ending to such a diverse world filled to the brim with amazing creativity??

Let me humbly attempt to. (SEE HOW MUCH I AM IN AWE OF THIS? I can't remember the last time I acted humble to another author.)

This trilogy was like... the first book was the rumble of thunder in a growing storm, the second was the pause of the intense wait, slowly building up to the third book, a flash of lightning that ripped apart the sky and the world and killed hundreds.

By killing hundreds, I mean all the readers hearts Brandon Mull crushed with this book.


I found Rachel was annoying in part of this book, for most of the middle. She was better in the beginning and the end, though.

And that is literally all the cons I can think of. *slow clapping for Brandon Mull*


Let's start by saying that, unlike the other two books, I wanted to read this book even when I put it down. While I enjoyed the other two books, I didn't really want to read them when I'd put them down.

I was impressed once again by all the different characters and places that were invented for this series. They each had rules that were set in stone, and there was not one part in the book that tripped up and got something wrong, despite there being SO MANY different things to keep track of. Well done.

THE PLOT TWISTS. The displacer guy whose name I actually cannot spell unless I have the book. (which I currently do not have beside me) I feel like there was another, but let's just move on. The book was long. I can't remember everything when I'm emotionally scarred.

Brandon Mull (I just noticed how I've never used an author's this much in a review before. weird.) created a problem for the characters that nobody could find an answer to. Yet he managed to plant one from BOOK ONE. When it talked about Jason feeling that it was familiar, and I couldn't remember where it was from, I knew that he must've mentioned it before, but it was so long ago that I couldn't remember, meaning he had seriously foreshadowed it really well. I think that was a run-on sentence. Whatever.

You remember how J.K. Rowling killed a bunch of character we were close to in her last book? Yeah, that's what Brandon Mull did, except with a whole LOT MORE CHARACTERS. But none of the deaths were actually random. They all had a PURPOSE so he could get away with it. I got even more attached to characters in this book, and SO MANY DIED.

*whispers* So many... *fades into the shadows*

In Conclusion:

I loved book 3 the most of the trilogy. 10/10 recommend reading it if you can stand it...

Watch out for whenever I publish a book, guys; Brandon Mull has now given me an author's dream to kill lots and lots of characters in one book and be able to get away with it because each is for a purpose.

iraboklover's review against another edition

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Yang lain berusaha untuk melindungimu dari rasa sakit hati. Kebenaran bisa menjadi hal yang menyakitkan. Kita menghabiskan sebagian besar hidup kita melindungi diri kita sendiri dari kebenaran dan juga menutupinya dari orang lain. Kita menggunakan kebohongan untuk mengurangi kegetiran hidup. Kita memimpikan hari esok yang lebih baik. Kita bersembunyi dari penyesalan dan memangkas keburukan. Kita bahkan berusaha bersembunyi dari kenyataan yang tak terhindarkan bahwa cepat atau lambat kita dan semua orang yang kita cintai akan mati.
(Chasing the Prophecy, hlm. 236)

Kutipan favorit saya dari buku ini. Jadi teringat dengan cerita The Sword of Shannara. Di sana tokohnya juga kuat karena berani mengakui kebenaran yang menyakitkan.

Syukurlah buku ketiga ini jauh lebih seru dari buku kedua. Saya bisa menyelesaikannya jauh lebih cepat.

Biasanya saya tidak suka membaca buku yang sepertinya tidak ada harapan seperti ini. Dimana musuh sangat kuat, sementara pahlawannya tampak tidak bisa apa-apa.

Tapi hal ini tidak berlaku untuk Beyonders. Cerita buku pertamanya, yang menggambarkan sebuah dunia tanpa pahlawan menurut saya unik dan pas. Saya tidak merasa Galloran atau Jason sama sekali tidak berguna. Meskipun Galloran sepertinya sudah hancur sedemikian rupa dan Jason hanyalah Orang Luar yang tidak tahu apa-apa.

Awalnya saya rasa petualangan Jason untuk mencari Kata hanyalah sebuah kesialan. Mau dicari atau tidak toh dia tetap bakalan diburu oleh Kaisar.

Tapi penilaian saya terhadap Jason berubah saat dia memutuskan untuk kembali ke Lyrian. Menurut saya itu keren sekali. Dia hanyalah seorang asing di sana, dan dia juga seorang buronan. Tapi Jason kembali, meninggalkan dunianya yang aman.

Sepanjang buku ketiga ini, saya dibuat penasaran bagaimana nanti ramalan yang dicari oleh Jason akan berdampak ke penyerangan Felrook. Saya terkesan dengan cara Jason menyingkirkan Maumet. Saya bahkan cemas sekali ketika Rachel akhirnya memutuskan untuk bertemu Maldor.

Tapi untunglah ceritanya diramu dengan baik. Rasa penasaran dan kecemasan saya terbayar tuntas. Endingnya juga oke. Meskipun membuat saya rada galau gimana gitu.

Ngomong-ngomong, saya penasaran dengan nasib torivor yang menantang Maldor. Apakah dia berhasil kabur? Atau ikut terkena ledakan orantium juga.

At last, Chasing the Prophecy merupakan penutup seri yang bagus. Seru sekali. Sayang bukunya tebal. Kalau tidak, seri ini bakalan saya masukkan ke dalam daftar buku yang akan dibaca ulang XD