This was nice but i also had some issues. I really enjoyed the representation of both cultures (mostly Sana's was really well explored), their banter and the film aspect. I also enjoyed learning about the cheerleading world in the beginning (i loved Cheer on netflix!). The last quarter of the book fell short for me, their conflict was ridiculous and that last scene was very very cringe
I would love a book just about Sana's life and the relationship with her family!!! I thought that part of the book was way more interesting than her relationship with Rachel, unfortunately.
Not the best thriller/mystery i've ever read by a long shot but the main character really shines in this one! For some reason she really reminded me of Darcy from MCU and that made the experience really fun.
The ending was not great but I had a great time with the characters and the film production setting was also very entertaining. A quick and fun read but not very thrilling! (less)
A cute, easy and uplifting story that shows the importance of female friendship, something we need more of!! I was really in the mood for something like this so I had a great time!
Also, it made me so nostalgic for people-watching in cafés :( Not in a creepy way, it's just nice to see strangers and wonder about their lives while they stop for a coffee. The small joys 💗
I'm also so happy that I started reading Donna Tartt, the writing is really wonderful and I will definitely be reading more by them. The Goldfinch, specifically, had some amazing moments. I love the atmosphere that Tartt built and following these characters for a such a long period of time was such a treat! The exploration of trauma and the ways Art affects lives were by far my favourite part.
That said, I think the book could have easily been 400-500 pages and it would be just as wonderful, seeing as some parts reallyyyy dragged out. And the ending was too much "here's a dump of philosophical things for you" for me to care. It felt forced and unecessary, especially because it lasted like 20 pages.
It's still a very very good book! I was always compelled to pick it back up, even if was not so invested in some parts
Oh my god the reading slump this book was giving me. I ended up DNFing with only around 100 pages left because I could not do it anymore. I wanted to see how it ended so I decided to just read a summary (I apologise in advance to all lovers of this series).
What a disappointment...I still think the first book is a masterpiece and a true fantasy classic and the second book is enjoyable but this book made it go downhill fast. The only redeemable aspects are the writing that is pretty good and detailed and Mrs. Coulter. I could have read a whole book about Mrs. Coulter instead of this book.
I think the worst part, besides adding irrelevant characters and arcs (*cough* Mary) was the complete lack of action that Lyra has in a lot of parts. She keeps being saved by Will and sometimes it felt like she lost all her personality. There was honestly no character development and that's what I look forward to the most in my books, mostly my fantasy books.
I was SO excited to read this. I knew the basic premise: governess thinks she sees ghosts. Is this real or is she slowly losing her mind? It's fascinating and I love ambiguous stories.
It had everything to be good but I just couldn't care. The writing is very overwritten and I think I got used to it, but never really liked it. I also thought the structure of the book kept repeating over and over and even though the middle part of the book was exciting, near the end I just wanted it to be over :(. Also, the characters all felt really flat, even for a short book.
I can see the merit in it and how it inspired some really well known ghost stories but I wish the original was more entertaining. I do think it's a good book to discuss as there are many different interpretations to the story and I'm waiting to discuss this with the DA book club!