
Dyrenes språk- naturens hemmelige samtaler by Eva Meijer, Eva Meijer

ijudgebooksbycovers's review against another edition

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challenging hopeful informative sad medium-paced


cinematicdream's review against another edition

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informative reflective medium-paced


hellofriend's review against another edition

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informative medium-paced


kristinn's review against another edition

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One of Meijer's most interesting points is her suggestion that animals are political too, not just humans, and their ways of communication points towards resistance. She refers to Jason Hribal and his writings about animals as active political subjects - that perhaps we should consider them as a part of the labour class, having an effect on political opinion (p. 91).
One of the examples include how animals were the driving force behind the industrial revolution, yet they were replaced by technology as soon as they could be, due to the animals putting up a fight - humans always have to maintain and control the animals, who often resist and cause damages of various kinds. Tilikum the orca is added to this discussion, as he deliberately killed three humans during his life in captivity, thus damaging the reputation of aquariums and perhaps even preventing future animal captivity.

Animals are probably not consciously resisting with an ulterior motive and not in an organised way with the intention of rising up like they do in Orwell's Animal Farm, but it is an interesting argument nonetheless. Considering individual animal resistance cases in a bigger context, then we're starting to understand that something's wrong about the way they are treated.

Overall the book is good at making the reader consider different ways of communication - human language isn't superior, just one of many communicative forms.

stephanievanriet's review against another edition

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Dit boek doet een goede poging om een uitleg te geven over het voorkomen van taal bij dieren en dit te gebruiken om te argumenteren voor dierenrechten.
Echter, ik had het liever gezien in de vorm van een studieboek in plaats van deze poging om het proza om te vormen.

Qua biologische uitleg bleef ik wat op mijn honger zitten, aangezien heel het boek voornamelijk een oplijsting is van voorbeeldjes bij verschillende diersoorten.
Ik had graag gehad dat hier overal wat dieper op ingegaan werd.
Er was hierbij ook geen duidelijke samenhang of opbouw van het algemene argument dat de auteur probeert te maken.
Naar mijn smaak (maar dit is waarschijnlijk persoonlijk) was het ook te veel geschreven vanuit een filosofische insteek, terwijl ik graag wat meer biologische inkijk had gehad.

Tenslotte vond ik het boek ook vrij slecht en onnodig moeilijk geschreven, en ben ik ook vrij veel typfoutjes en fouten in de vormgeving tegengekomen, alsof het niet nagelezen was door een copy-editor.

jeggfriedrice's review against another edition

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Maybe I came into this expecting a bit more than I got out of it, but I recognise that this is a great surface level introduction to the linguistics, philosophy and cognitive science ideas in this book for people who aren't, uh, literally psych and cogsci students. Nonetheless this helped me connect some dots, gave me some ideas to research, and was a super quick read.
A bit disjointed at parts and I haven't actually checked all the sources as I've seen some reviews criticise their accuracy but it was a fun light read and made me realise that not really learning anything new means that maybe I actually have been listening in lectures.
Also, I will forever retain the knowledge of how male bonobos greet eachother. This is my new "fun fact" at parties.

hilary4h's review against another edition

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I like the idea of the book, but it introduced a lot of topics/research, but didn't really get in depth on any of it.

Bottom line: animals are people too.

klaudiatolman's review against another edition

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Przyjemna lektura (w szczególności na lato?),do pyknięcia w dwa dni. Ponieważ jest w niej treść obszerna bibliografia, to ta książka otwiera także całe wszechświat inspiracji dla ludzi zainteresowanych tym tematem.

stellasono's review against another edition

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informative inspiring medium-paced


A book contains collection of stories of animal gesture to communicate with other species or their own species. Those serve intriguing ideas that we can correlate it as the language we know as human. Since the writers’ background is more in philosophy not in animal behavior, her purpose on writing this book is to offer new perspective about non-human animal language, that most philosophers believe human language is more superior than sound or movement made by other species. 

This book will be stronger if she supported her theory with knowledges in animal anatomy and psychology. So it is not too generalized. For instance, in chapter two she mentioned how dogs are universally relying on scent than on sight. Which neglecting the fact, hounds are divided into two types: scent-hound (such as Beagle and Basset Hound) and sight hound (such as greyhound, which is why they are triggered by a doll rabbit during a race).

kukkamultatytto's review against another edition

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Kiinnostava aihe, mutta valitettavasti käsittely jäi tuhansien esimerkkien luennoinniksi. Ne jäivät irrallisiksi ja epäselviksi, enkä esimerkiksi puolen sivun valaita käsittelevän osan aikana saanut selville, mistä ne valaat nyt sitten laulavat.

Kirja kuitenkin onnistui herättämään kiinnostukseni eläinten kieliä ja kommunikointia kohtaan. Pidin myös siitä, että asiaa käsiteltiin filosofiankin näkökulmasta. Kiitokset myös kirjan ulkoasun suunnittelijalle! Teos sisälsi kauniita piirroskuvia ja kansikin miellyttää omaa silmääni.