
The Art of Finding Nemo by Mark Cotta Vaz

caney24's review

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informative inspiring


pewterwolf's review

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Review Taken From The Pewter Wolf

It's exactly what the title states. With a foreword from John Lasseter and Andrew Stanton (the main two of Pixar), this shows the art work the people involved in making this movie from the beginning to the later stages. And I drooled over each and every picture, which ranged from quick and cartoony to very serious and very in depth.

And I loved it! Loved to discover how one of my fave movies was created. And I discovered several pictures that I DESPERATELY want to frame. Might ask Disney/Pixar for a print to hang on my wall. Yes, I am that sad!

If you are a fan of the movie or interested in art, this is for you. Enjoy. And remember, JUST KEEP SWIMMING!

wafer's review

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This is one of the few art books that manages to give a great balance of both information and art content. I never felt like there was too little or too much of either here, and there really are some stunning pieces in this. Simon Varela's charcoal pieces in particular are worth the price alone as absolute masterpieces. Much of the environmental art is perfect for any artist interested in sea plant life.

elevetha's review

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I really liked this one for the fact that it actually consisted of drawn (digital or otherwise) art pieces, and not movie stills. The most noteworthy pieces were undoubtedly Simon Varela's charcoal drawings. They are masterpieces, with the full page lay-outs that they deserved, and if a family member came across me staring intently at a page in here, you could bet that it was one of Varela's that held my attention.

Overall, one of the better Art Of books.

"But's that the theme of the movie. It asks, Are you going to live a life of complete safety and risk nothing? Or are you going to take a chance and maybe find that only by doing so are you truly alive?"

clss97's review

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A spectacularly beautiful book. It also goes to show why Pixar is the successful company that it is. Surrounding yourself by information and artwork, even going to the extremes to see a great white shark in person to observe how the teeth and jaw work. Such a great deal of work with the stunning outcome of one of my favourite Pixar films of all time. Just as was the aim - like nothing I have ever seen before.

marinuchi_goo13's review

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informative lighthearted medium-paced


myst's review

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This has to be one of my favorite animated movies of all time. Not only is it beautiful in its story and message, but also very much so artistically.

And this is why Pixar never ceases to amaze me with their movies. They take the time to tell the story, from the main plotline to the tiniest detail of a computer-generated sea anemone. Each of their characters, no matter how minor their role, has a fully-developed personality, physically and emotionally. Through the various characters, settings, and props, they tell the story, a good story.

As for the art, it is absolutely breathtaking. It had me from page one to the very end. Being one who loves anything relating to the Big Blue, I felt like I was in an enchanted fairyland while looking at those pictures. The charcoals done by Simon Varela and the pastels by Ralph Eggleston are definite favorites of mine. The only dissappoint I have with this book is that it probably doesn't even contain half of the art that the studio members made during production. I'd love to see the whole collection if I could.

Overall, I find it really inspiring, and I won't be surprised if I find myself writing a story about aquatic life in the next day or so.

"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."