A review by pewterwolf
The Art of Finding Nemo by Mark Cotta Vaz


Review Taken From The Pewter Wolf

It's exactly what the title states. With a foreword from John Lasseter and Andrew Stanton (the main two of Pixar), this shows the art work the people involved in making this movie from the beginning to the later stages. And I drooled over each and every picture, which ranged from quick and cartoony to very serious and very in depth.

And I loved it! Loved to discover how one of my fave movies was created. And I discovered several pictures that I DESPERATELY want to frame. Might ask Disney/Pixar for a print to hang on my wall. Yes, I am that sad!

If you are a fan of the movie or interested in art, this is for you. Enjoy. And remember, JUST KEEP SWIMMING!