
Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us by Seth Godin

celticmoongoddess's review

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Great book to read and happily recommend to all who have an idea, passion or wish to make a difference.
Be open minded and read all way through and then tune into the feeling it leaves you with. As stated in second last paragraph title of the book there is no checklists, instruction manuals or how to lists and that is what makes this book unique and worth reading. Once read then you will understand as it is like having Seth on the sidelines cheering you on, providing time out pep talks and no doubt inspiring everyone who feels the pull to go for it and lead your own tribe whether that numbers 1 to hundreds, thousands or millions. It is not the number of members, but the passion and quality of the tribe and taking the first step that matters.
We all have an inner tribe leader within us, this book can help you move from thinking about it to doing it, take the risk and bring your own unique leadership gift to life.
Spreading the word as closing words of the book.

asagara's review

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I feel like this book could have been written as a short essay. It's a great message, but so repetitive. The author was just trying to fill up the pages.

santoshsali's review

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Leadership is the most over-hyped topic/subject in management/b-school curriculum.

Search any b-schools executive courses, most are targeted towards leadership,

Search top business journals and leadership is most cited word,

Search google and leadership is most searched word.

And it doesn't work! Period.
This is supported by research.

But Seth Godin's Tribe, a small book, one can read in just a sitting is remarkably different!
It contextualize the concept in today's interconnected world. and shows how it can work.

Must reading for every blogger, everyone that has idea and want to spread.
Hint - it doesn't need organization, it doesn't need big ad-budget.
It needs tribe!

mrtompratt's review

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Love this book, I've read it a few times & it always offers some nuggets of motivation & inspiration

toninonfiction's review

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It was an okay read. There are short snippets about tribes. . .becoming one, make up of one, etc. Not really that interesting to me. May be a very good read for an early career professional.

dibarsinnovations's review

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I'm not saying he's not right, but Godin just isn't the author I need. Once I have a passion picked out, I think it'll work a lot better between us.

kanjimanji's review

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Crispy good.

kingvitamin's review

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I would recommend to anyone to read this book. In today's quickly changing world, it's easy to try to cling to the past. This book gives good advice on how to embrace the future and what you can do to make a difference in it.

mrstein's review

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i must admit i had reasonably low expectations, figuring a few buzzwords and a light treatment of said topic to listen to while i run, walk or bike. i now must admit my expectations were exceeded; i now want to order a copy of the hardcopy book so i can write in it, take a few notes and apply some of his homespun wisdom about leading informal communities (tribes) to what i do in my job...For those in a position to lead such 'tribes' this is a good read.

densanchez18's review

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Interesting theories but overall common sense.