
If You Knew My Sister by Michelle Adams

clair_82's review against another edition

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My Sister is one of those books that grabs the reader right from the start, from the opening paragraphs I started collecting unanswered questions which were frustrating and compelling at the same time! The book throws its reader into the action from the very first paragraphs when Irini receives a call in the early hours in the morning from her estranged sister, Elle.

The sisters couldn't be anymore different, Irini is an anaesthetist living in London with her long-term boyfriend, Antonio. To all intents and purposes she's happy, however that isn't the full story as she is traumatised by the abandonment by her parents to her aunt and uncle at the age of three. She has never had any further contact from her parents and does not know the reasons as to why she was given away, as to why they chose to keep Elle rather than her. Elle on the other hand is still living in the family fold in Scotland, she is very beautiful but completely toxic, she uses men who seem to fall at her feet and generally treats people appallingly. It is for this reason that Irini has spent most of her adult life hiding from Elle so as not to get caught up in Elle's toxic world - as such, the early hours phone call is not welcomed and events start to spiral as Elle has once again found Irini.

The character development in this book is really good, straight away the reader understands the vulnerability of Irini and her ability to be influenced by Elle as she searches for answers as to why she was the one to have to go away. Conversely, Elle's character is terrifying! Her hold over Irini is instant despite Irini avoiding her for the last six years - there is a sinister undertone to Elle's narrative constantly throughout the book. Both characters are unpredictable which makes for a fantastic psychological read.

I think what makes this a stand out read is that it is a psychological thriller that focuses on the psychological side - and my goodness does Michelle Adams do this brilliantly well! There is no huge twist which is great because it didn't need it, the premise is simple, why did the Harringford's give Irini away, the plot to get the reader the answer is not - it is a multilayered plot which is gripping right through to the end. At the heart of My Sister is a story about relationships between siblings as well as between child and parent - and to what extent one will go to in order to protect as well as find out the truth.

My Sister is addictive through its unreliable (and unpredictable!) characters which is extremely hard to put down! A fantastic read.

saralouisemarsbar's review against another edition

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Holy moly what an intense read!
If it wasn't for the fact I was exhausted when I first started reading this I could have just binged on it in one go. In the end I had to settle for 2 sittings. There was no way I could go another day not knowing.
Irini was given to her aunt as a young child and never knew why. Her sister Elle remained with her parents. That's all I will say.
I adored the writing, the plot, the scenery, just bloody everything was perfect for me.
The characters were so well written, I got to know them so well that I could almost sense what they were thinking before I read it.
Full of twists and turns, such an exhilarating read. I can't wait to read more from this author.
If you like psychological thrillers, I would say this is for you.
Very easy 5 star read!
Thanks so much to netgalley and Headline for the copy!

brande826's review against another edition

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This book ended where it should have began. Or we need a sequel!

lesliedotcom's review against another edition

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Not perfect but pretty darned close. Kept me guessing until the very end.

zupa_czyta's review against another edition

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Ta książka jest dziwna. Dziwna w sposób niepokojący, ale też intrygujący. Dziwna, bo z jednej strony lekko irytuje styl autorki, a z drugiej chce się szybko ją skończyć, żeby odkryć wszystkie tajemnice rodziny Harringfordów.
Wielbiciele trzepniętych, pokręconych i obłąkanych bohaterek będą zadowoleni! Fani sag rodzinnych też znajdą tu coś dla siebie. Jest i tajemnica (wprawdzie niezbyt skomplikowana), są drobne zwroty akcji, wkradł się tu nawet jakiś romans, więc jak sami widzicie: są wszystkie elementy budujące dobry thriller psychologiczny. I to rzeczywiście jest dosyć porządna książka, ale bez fajerwerków, strzelających korków od szampana i mózgów eksplodujących od zaproponowanych przez autorkę rozwiązań ;)
Chociaż czytało się dobrze, miałam wrażenie, że to wszystko już gdzieś było. A skoro już o tym mowa: nie potrafię powiedzieć dlaczego, ale styl autorki trochę kojarzył mi się z piórem Gillian Flynn i tym, jak skonstruowała świat przedstawiony w "Ostrych przedmiotach". Nie potrafiłam się oprzeć temu wrażeniu i jak już raz mnie dopadło, to nie chciało opuścić do końca.
Podsumowując: "Moja siostra" to całkiem porządny, "lekki" thriller z tajemnicą rodzinną w tle i szaleństwem jednej z bohaterek, wysuwającym się na pierwszy plan. Będzie dobrym wyborem, jeśli szukacie nieskomplikowanej lektury, nad którą nie trzeba specjalnie główkować.

audiobookingwithleah's review against another edition

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Another one I couldn't get into...

kattheblackbelt's review against another edition

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ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Rating: 2

Too much suspense, not enough action for me. I thought this book was boring and I found it hard to be invested in the characters.

kkjduke's review against another edition

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ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Rating: 2

Too much suspense, not enough action for me. I thought this book was boring and I found it hard to be invested in the characters.

amethystwitch's review against another edition

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I would recommend it to someone who likes mysteries/psychological thrillers. I started it yesterday and haven’t been able to put it down. It’s not predictable and it kept me guessing and turning pages. One of the books that made me forget I was even reading. I do have one problem with it and that’s what made me give 3 stars instead of 4. That problem is the ending. It’s a little to shoved together and for the sake of avoiding spoilers I’m just going to say that the ending in my opinion was a little to ‘sweet and lovey’.