
Sobre as leis da física by Richard P. Feynman

kauther's review against another edition

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For a long time, I was against the idea of having a favorite book; I thought it would be like picking a favorite child. But this book completely shattered this mindset.

If you are not a physicist, this book will be a very easy and simple way for you to understand what physics is, and how we study it. On the other hand, if you are a physicist, this book will provide you with an extremely beautiful and concise way to look at the world and think about the major concepts of physics.

This is, rightfully, my all time favorite book.

rickwren's review against another edition

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This reads like a Feynman lecture at its best - accessible, interesting and filled with flashes of brilliance. He's one of the best physicists of the past century but he's unparalleled as a science educator. I'd recommend everyone with an interest in science to read this, and all the Feynman books.

michinio's review against another edition

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"სამეცნიერო პოპულარული"-დან მეცნიერება აქ უფრო მეტია, ვიდრე პოპი :) მეგონა უფრო ემსგავსებოდა სხვა მეცნიერების წიგნებს, თუმცა სხვებისგან განსხვავებით სათაური ზუსტად ასახავს შინაარსს - ეს არის ლექციების სერია ზუსტად ფიზიკური კანონების ხასიათზე. ანუ, თუ საგანის "კოსმოსში" მარტო კოსმოსი არაა და ჰოკინგის "დროს მოკლე ისტორიაში" საკმაოდ ცოტა ისტორიაა, აქ ზუსტად ისაა რაც სათაურში. ოღონდ აქცენტი ამ ლექციებში უფრო მეცნიერების ფილოსოფიაზეა და არა იმდენად თვითონ ფიზიკურ კანონებზე. ფეიმანის ასე სრული წიგნი აქამდე არ მქონდა წაკითხული და დავრწმუნდი რომ წასაკითხია კიდე სხვა რამეებიც, ძალიან ჭკვიანი, მაგარი და საყვარელი ადამიანი ჩანს ❤️

mcp2002's review

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informative medium-paced


zaklaw97's review against another edition

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I’ve always love Feynman’s style of explanations and this is no different. This book gives a general overview of how the process of doing physics works from the perspective of a truly great physicist.

erwanh's review against another edition

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informative medium-paced


txas's review against another edition

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Interestingly divulgative. Intriguing and as clear as it gets. I covet deeper and more complex explanations.
I have yet to read his lectures.

abxie's review against another edition

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challenging informative medium-paced


italyeet's review against another edition

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I liked the way the author explained the concepts in the book, but I just couldn't bring myself to finish it. My AP Physics teacher assigned me to read it after the AP test, so I didn't start it with a good mindset. I can see myself picking up this book sometime in the future to finish it because of the way Feynman talked about physics topics that I didn't really understand.

kahawa's review against another edition

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Overall this was pretty good. Some of it was hard to track with, which is I think the nature of the material. Feynman is a bit too common-sensey sometimes, but we need some of those people in physics.