tornikios's reviews
69 reviews

Amerika by Franz Kafka

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I hate abandoning books midway, even if I don't enjoy the book, I try to finish it. But this has been frustrating. I can officially say that I don't enjoy Kafka at all.
IF you like Kafka - and this book - party. But after reading this I can understand why he wanted his work to be burned. Unfortunately, I paid money for this book so I'd rather donate it. Maybe someone else will enjoy it, or they can burn it in my stead.
The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett

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I have very mixed feelings about this book. On one hand we have very interesting and important topics and stories, on the other hand some of those stories get better treatment than others.
The best part of the book is definitely Stella's story and character — her struggles with her own identity and her chosen life is captivating and makes you want to get to know her and understand her more. But at the same time, I'd say her story is the shortest and you get disappointed that author doesn't let you get closer to the character, but rather chooses to move on to Jude, Reese and Kennedy, which is a bit of a snoozefest. Also, Reese seems to be handled awkwardly and very vaguely and I can't really put my finger on the reason why this is the case, when the rest of the story can be quite detailed.
Overall, I'd still recommend reading it. It can get bit frustrating and boring at parts, but when it's good it's absolutely great!
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid

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Eh, this one is nothing special. Plain, light-read, fast paced — the story is well crafted and there are interesting topics and moments, but writing style is bland, even cringeworthy at times and very `this will be a nice quote for Tumblr`. Personally, the style isn't for me, but it's not the worst thing either. Definitely something that would be enjoyed for a light read, on a vacation, or if you just want to have some fun and not think too much about complexity of the plot and characters — you certainly won't get that here.
Hamletmachine and Other Texts for the Stage by Heiner Müller

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I'm not usually big on plays and I don't necessarily pick them up for that same reason (although, I'm trying to change that), but what a brilliant read this was! Absolutely gripping and engaging from start to finish.