simonlorden's reviews
1281 reviews

The Visitor by K.A. Applegate

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It took this series two books to make me cry. Thanks, I guess.
Victory of Eagles by Naomi Novik

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First half was so good, I was LIVING. Free dragon militia fuck yeah.

Ending also wasn't bad, but it really takes you into the ugly side of war, and also the ones in command suck. Laurence and Temeraire are gonna go around the whole world at this rate, but at least they still have some friends with them.
Empire of Ivory by Naomi Novik

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We venture to Africa again in this book, dealing a lot with slavery and African native tribes. Jane is awesome. Riley sucks. The ending is tragic but it had to be done.
My Daddy's Biker Friends by Kat T. Scott

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 60%.
Black Powder War by Naomi Novik

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So there's two big themes in this series: dragon bonding, and war. I love the former, but I am bored to death of the latter, which is sometimes a problem. I struggled with most of this book, especially since it didn't have many of my favorite side characters, but the absolute FEELINGS of the last couple of chapters made up for all of it and more.

I've only had Iskierka for five seconds but if anything happened to her, etc.

Tharkay knows how to make an entrance.

I love how dragons are so so intelligent, but think so differently from humans, and point out logical fallacies or things that we just accept as given.
The Maidens by Alex Michaelides

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The twists at the end were interesting, but I didn't enjoy reading the book. A lot of the parts seemed useless until the end, and most of all just, the way pretty much everyone in this book has mental problems didn't sit well with me. 
Love Languages by James Albon

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I received an ARC through NetGalley and this is my voluntary and honest review.

A heartfelt and colorful queer romance between two foreigners living in France, trying to communicate across three languages. I loved how the feeling of learning a foreign language was described, as someone who also speaks two languages and tried to learn more. I also really liked how the translations were presented. And Ping is soo real for wanting a better life for Bébé.
Lassie Come-Home by Eric Knight

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A heartfelt classic about both the devotion and the needless cruelty humans have towards animals.