sagek's reviews
1006 reviews

Broken Hearts by Ioana Visan

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*I received a free digital version from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Broken Hearts follows Dale and Aurore's travels to many different places in order to keep her source safe. During this mission of sorts, they recover important information, blackmail enemies, break people out of a detention center (this is more so the circus than them, but it's still a large part of the book), cut off limbs, change eyes, and gain more feelings for each other.

What I love about Broken Heart is the flow of the writing (it had a good pace, great situations, some nice twists effortlessly thrown in quite well, and great details), the development (characters grew, such as Dale, Aurore, Cole, and Cielo who learned to love), and the new arising troubles and how they deal wth them. We got much more insight in this book about how the circus works and what they think about when making new decisions that arise. We also learn more about the characters; not so much their backgrounds, but how they act, how they think, what they do and why. This really made the characters seem real and connectable, which made it all the more enjoyable.

Now, the romance in this book is a lot more developed than it was in the first. I love it. I loved reading about Dale and Aurore (I'm focusing on them because I love them, but they're not the only couple of sorts), because I got to see them grow closer and take down their masks even if only because of unintentional cracks. They work well together and they definitely changed each other for the better, and I can't wait to see if they take a step further when he gets back and make it official. Assuming there is another book, of course.

There's not much else to say. The writing was great, the plot was great, the characters and their developments were great. What's not to love?

So overall, I really enjoyed reading Broken Hearts, and I recommend this to all you lovers of magic, action, and maybe even romance.
The Divide by E.J. Mellow

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*I received an ebook copy of this from Xpresso Book Tours in order to participate in The Divide Blog Tour.
Rating: 4.75/5

This book is fantastic. Why? Because of the following:

Descriptions: Amazing. Everything was described to the dot, so clear a picture that it felt like more than a reality you can picture in your head; it felt like a movie. And it wasn’t the everything-was-described-to-waste-space-until-something-interesting-happens kind of descriptions, because whenever something was explained in such detail it was done so for a reason. Such as the opening scene. Terra was described so we could better picture it and understand Molly’s adventures and conflicts concerning the location. The club was explained because in doing so, Molly fell into the lure and certain things changed and developed further. The creatures they were fighting were described to help us understand the terror they infuse, as well as help us understand their motives; and yes, they’re pure evil but they’re smart and living so therefore they have motives, and in describing so, we can better predict -or try to predict since I didn’t see quite a few things coming- their future actions.

World-Building: One word: Brilliant. I adore Terra so much that I was actually hoping with every part of me that Molly would chose to stay there. It was evident that while in the real world, she was still partially in Terra mind wise, and while in Terra she rarely thought of the real world. That was one hint that Terra is the place for her, but it’s also the people there and the things she can do. With all the new things we learned about Terra, such as how they train, more about the previous Dreamers, the clubs and the restaurants and the ranks, the more we fell in love with this fictional world. Heck, if I was Molly, I’d want to sleep forever so long as I could be in Terra! The way it was all built up, and the fact that the author had to juggle between the real world and Terra and still pull it off so effortlessly is really admirable.

Characters: We got a lot of character development in this novel. Molly noticeably grew stronger and more confident, though she still has a journey ahead of her. Ave showed us a whole different side to her that was very likable, and she even shed some light for us concerning her previous behavior and some secrets that were only slighted hinted on in the first book. Becca and Rae are adorable. Dev showed us he can overcome darkness and still find light -aka he can stand tall even after a battle of broken hearts-. We also saw more from Elena, which I really liked.

Plot: I predicted a few things, but even then it was never completely accurate. Such as the ending, with Molly being attacked. I knew that was coming, I just didn’t think the attacker would do what he did nor did I know who he was until he started taking about things that clicked with other information we learned. The plot was fantastic and I was definitely kept on the edge of my seat.

Overall, this is a fantastic second installment, and I can’t wait to read the next book in the series!