relly's reviews
2324 reviews

The Keeper of Bees by Gregory Ashe

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4.5 Stars

And this is the book that the whole series has led up to. Each book of this series laid the foundations to showcase just how committed to each other the two guys were. They have their problems but when the chips are down they come out fighting for each other. Both of their strengths were showcased in this volume.
I don't want to say too much about the storyline as I can't without giving bits away. At the end of the first book I had two candidates for the Keeper of Bees, one was kind of obvious and as he annoyed me endlessly throughout the books, I lent more his way, but it was the hidden quality of the other that made it entertaining watching the guys figure it out.  
The pace of this one was great as it speed up, the last few books have taken me a few days to get through but this one I powered through within a day.
Emery I felt for as he bravely faced his fears again and again and I must say I enjoyed his new therapist and the banter between them. It was also great seeing the relationship developing between John Henry and his father. They seem to have found a common ground and hopefully it will progress further along
This book made me want to start on the next series straight away but I think I will give it a little break
Wayward by Gregory Ashe

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4 stars

I liked this one even when the characters actions were driving me nuts. Again Somers let the partnership down. I thought he would have learnt a bit from the last book but no here we go again. Emery was just as frustrating at times, but Somers actions were for me the worse here. He showed a selfish side when Hazard needed to go to his dad, but he did make it up and came through at the end. Every time John's family is involved they create issues, and it's getting old.

The case was interesting and I enjoyed how it was solved. The guys worked together and both used their strengths. I've upgrade dislike to hate now on Gray. I can't stand him and the way he treats his boyfriend is horrible. I won't be surprised if he turns out to be a killer in one of the books or even the big baddie from the series. 
His Fateful Heap of Days by John Wiltshire

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4 stars 

Audio Review                                                                                                       
This one started off with Ben annoying me stupid. His jealously because Nik and Michael were friends was extremely annoying. He left them, and yet is jealous because they formed a bond without him. Grow up. And then the constant picking and making fun of Nik because he was worrying about his age got old too. 

I did like Tim having a go at Ben. I don’t think Ben understood why he was angry but it was well said. 

The supernatural aspect was different in this one but made it enjoyable, especially the visit to the witch museum. 

Ben did redeem himself by the end, and I loved that he finally connected with Molly 

Looking forward to completing the series with the next one 

Transactional Dynamics by Gregory Ashe

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4 Stars

This one while it had the background of the murder mystery it was more in the backgrounds with the relationship issues being more forefront. It's hard to discuss the mystery as anything I say will give details into who done it. 

I'll start by saying I am firmly team Emery in this one. My heart broke for him as the cracks in the relationship widened mainly due to Billy's interference, but also both his and John Henrys own personal issues. I hate Gray, Billy, Nico and even John Henry a bit for what they did to him.

I'm done with Gray and his preppy persona, he encouraged the division when John Henry was drunk and then the next day tried to play it off as he is the helpful partner counselling them back together. I don't buy the explanation at the end, I just think that was a way for Hazard to be able to let it go.  

John Henry at least shows an introspection to see and understand how his actions had hurt Emery. With his past and self doubt it was a low blow. He also is able to look back and understand that he has caused some of the issues with his inflated ego, and he does admit to his own laziness at times. His ability to actually see his part in the issues, is what resolves him a bit in my mind.

 I know Nico gets his own book at a later date but presently I have no desire to ready anything further about him. 
Police Brutality by Gregory Ashe

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4 stars

Great addition of the series

The guys both drove me nuts at times. They have been through so much and yet they still struggle to communicate with each other. Hazard is a grumpy jerk for a lot of the book but then Somers knows it and keeps just poking the bear. Some of the jabs were harsh and I can't believe Hazard didn't smack him.

Some of the banter was fun and I'm starting to get to like Gary. I still have misgivings about him but we'll see how it goes. 

The case kept the book entertaining and I enjoyed how Hazard tried to do the right thing and then just did his usual investigating. 

I am getting a bit sick of the whole police corruption storyline, I thought the left that behind at the end of the last series.  

Enduring Night by John Wiltshire

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3.75 stars

Audio Review

This one frustrated me big time and the only reason it got the rating it did was because of Nikolas.

The start of this one was fabulous and so entertaining and then it all just disintegrated.

I've been listening to these back to back and the thing I noticed the most in this one was the way Ben's character has been dumbed down as the series has progressed. He was never book smart but at the start of the series he capable retired SAS solider who could hold his own with the machinations of Nik. Here Ben can't even converse with an 8 year old, his only contribution being Huh or What?

All we are constantly told is how perfect Ben is and how he works out, no body fat blah blah blah (I'm so sick of hearing about it). He has basically been reduced to a Himbo. All beauty and no brains. What he did to Nik as he was recovering pissed me off big time. He deserved everything Nik did to him, and I understand Nik not trusting him anymore. I'm now waiting for him to wander off and find something shinny to distract him.  

Nik's reaction to this betrayal was amazing. The things he did to try and get Ben to snap out of it and came back to him were machination gold. I loved how Nik and Squeezy have now formed a bond and got to know each other a bit. Nik now has a respect for Michael and the banter between the two was entertaining.

I did like how it finished up. The new friends I'm still not sure about but I did enjoy the way they weren't made out to be the big baddies. 
The Rational Faculty by Gregory Ashe

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4 stars

It's been a while since I read the last series and I really enjoyed coming back to them.

Both guys are struggling in the aftermath of the previous book. Hazard is struggling the most and I liked how his depression was handled. It was very subtle at times and he couldn't see that's what it was. John Henry's reactions here were also very well done. From his need and desire to help to utter frustration when he is being rebuffed. With Emery no longer a police detective and the guys no longer working together they are both finding the transition difficult. 

I liked both of their reactions to Grey. He tried hard but he can't seem to win them over.

The case had the usual twists and turns, keeping the pace up and making the book a page turner. I can't wait to see how Emery faces off against this new adversary. He may have taken the end of this case hard and is doubting himself but I'm sure he will come out swinging. 
Death's Ink-Black Shadow by John Wiltshire

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4 stars

Audio Review

This one had a massively different feel to it and I think that was all down to Ben’s attitude throughout this one. He went from constantly having Nik’s back to being the only one to doubt him and to believe he was losing his grip on reality.

Nik’s attitude of trying to save everyone and keep Ben out of danger didn’t help as he never spoke to Ben outlining his fears and justifications, only using the abstract that Ben clearly was not getting. 

It was good to see Ben take the responsibility for Anatoly at the end. I kind of feel sorry for Stefan. He was the product of his mother’s and grandfathers hate and never really had a chance.  

Looking forward to the next one
The Swap After Hours by Annabella Michaels

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3.25 stars

I've enjoyed this series and was excited when I saw this new addition, and while I enjoyed it,  it just didn't fully work for me. I think the problem was the writing felt off in this one. I felt like I was constantly being told and not shown. 

The characters themselves were nice but kind of bland. Trevor was the happy go lucky young man who opens up the life of the workaholic boss. Very pretty woman type of feel to the character interactions.

I did like that the guys spent time getting to know each other before getting together.

Not my favourite of this series 
Ravenous by R. Cooper

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Thanks Skipper Snowfly Elf

3.75 stars

I enjoyed this one but wanted to like it more.
There were times I was a little bit confused as to what was happening and teh characters intentions but I expect a bit of that with this author and I evidently enjoy it as I read all their work.

I loved Nicodemus. I liked his blend of lack of feeling isolated to the confidence dealing with Bel. Bel gave him the opportunity to understand his power.

I liked Bel too but found his motivations at times really hard to understand and the signals he was putting out I struggled to understand.

Regardless of this I still enjoyed the story and the world created.