relly's reviews
2332 reviews

A Little Familiar by R. Cooper

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2.5 stars
Audio review
Disappointed in the audio for this one. It’s one of my favourite series and I just didn’t like the narrator here. He has a monotone voice and it didn’t work for me. His narration made it hard to concentrate on the story and multiple times I had drifted off missing parts. Considering I’m listening to this as I’m walking around NY on holidays I should have been able to easily follow along.
Full Disclosure by Elle Keaton

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4 stars

I enjoyed this return to the Piedras world. 

Matt and Niall are still a good coupling and I enjoyed in this one that they both went their own way with their own cases. They still talked it out, but they each had their own things to do. 

The cases were interesting and I enjoyed how they were solved although both were a bit anticlimactic in the end but that’s how things go in the real world.

I also enjoyed the introduction to Dakota and how he and Niall bounced off each other. Both wanted to get to know each other and both knew that they needed to make an effort but their natural resistance shone through and made it harder for them to open up. 

I’m glad Niall has closure for Ana’s case and can now maybe move on. I also loved Dakota and hope we get to see more of him 

Great addition to the series and it was also fab the cross overs from the other series. 
Arc provided for honest review
Regifted by Kim Fielding, Kim Fielding

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3.5 Stars
Thanks GloryHollySnowjob
This was a good short story 

At only 46 pages long there wasn’t a lot of time to work on the relationship but the author managed well at portraying the two guys actually getting to know each other a little bit before getting together. 

I felt for Chrys, since his partners death 2 years before he had made a life for himself but at the same time once you know his backstory he was also isolated and yet never lamented that. 

I liked Monroe and the way he kept coming back to Chrys. 

The Oracle's Current by Mell Eight

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3.75 Stars

Thanks Snowdrop Nightspirit

And we are back in the Oracle world and we finally get Lichen's book. I loved seeing Lichen all grown up and found it interesting to see how the reemergence of the Dragon of Earth changed the way he was treated within the Castes. 
The Castes have a lot to answer for in this series. While the oracle was looking elsewhere the castes ran amok and got above themselves. Most of the castes have fixed themselves with the dragons coming forward but the Water caste still has work to do. 
I loved Lichen and his disappointment when he tested into the Ether Caste. it made sense to me and I loved watching him work out how to use the water talent.
I also loved Meril with how he came to Lichens aid and then returned to the monastery with them. 
I do feel that while this one the story was fine and answered most of the questions, I feel like it skimmed the information and could have gone further in, but it was a short easy read so there was only so much that could be done in the timeframe.
Great addition to the series
A Vigil in the Mourning by Hailey Turner

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 4 Stars
Audio review
The narrator is still fabulous. I love the way he narrates the banter between the pack mates.
I enjoyed that Patrick & Jono spent a bit of time away from each other in this one, It gave them a chance to function on their own with out the help of the other. Patrick did call Jono when he realised that he wasn’t going to be strong enough on his own to handle the issues in Chicago. 
The gods in all of the series are pretty self centred but I found the Norse gods here pretty unlikeable, which kills me as the Norse gods are some of the ones I’m the most familiar with. I do love the Valkyries though 
 Wade is yet again fabulous comic relief. 
A Crown of Iron & Silver by Hailey Turner

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4.5 Stars

Audio review 

The best so far. The narrator is fabulous. He makes every character come to life. 

One of my favourite things about this one is Patrick in all his annoying at times glory. The way he is so angry at Gerard's betrayal. He knows in himself that he is being a bit unfair but he is also human and can't help the hurt and anger he feels. 

Wade of course adds a comic relief with his never ending hunger and his constant complaining about it. The banter between the pack is fabulous.

I think this series is better on audio as it is easier for me to keep track of all of the different characters.
His Last Christmas in London by Con Riley

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4 Stars
Thanks Secret Santa

Very enjoyable Read. I have enjoyed every book I’ve read from this author, so I am unsure why I keep putting them off.

Here we have Guy the food critic with a reputation for being cutting and mean to anyone outside the food industry. What he really is, is caring and fun. His brutal honesty is mistaken as meanness and as we find out more about him we find he is actually still in pain and that is what comes across as meanness. 

I liked Ian. He was struggling after his self confidence and self worth was crushed by a disreputable employer. He is on the cusp of giving up and heading home when the assignment comes in to cover Guy. It’s definitely not love at first sight but they spend the book going on dates as they work and each opening up and learning more about each other. 

I enjoyed that Guy helped Ian get an in, but then let him shine on his own. He knew from his own experiences that he needed to stand on his own two feet and let him fly no matter how much he wanted him in London with him. 

All Souls Near & Nigh by Hailey Turner

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4.5 stars

Audio Review

I loved the book of this one but the audio was better for me.

This one is quite dark at one point, and I think while reading it I could skim over it, but listening to it made it all harder. I felt for Patrick at this point. He went through so much to help Lucien and to free the werecreatures kept captive. Estelle and Yousef drive me nuts throughout the series, I get so angry at the disrespect they show the packs under their protection.

The introduction of Wade added some great comic relief once he got comfortable with the guys. His constant need for snacks is at times hilarious and the narrator does well to kept the voices all seperate and just drop Wade's one liners in. 

Enjoying the series 
A Fortunate Blizzard by L.C. Chase

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Thanks KreacherTheFlamingNorthPoleDancingElf

3.75 Stars

I enjoyed this one

I understood Trevor’s stance here. He didn’t want to start something with someone while he was so sick. He felt it wouldn’t be fair to his partner for them to start something and then watch him die. This I could agree with. I didn’t feel like he did the right thing when he left Marc with just a letter but again understood as he would have struggled to stay his course. 

I liked Marc and felt for him. His mother had created this need to prove himself and in his drive to become partner of the firm he shut himself off from all of the others trying to be friends with him. He isolated himself, so the good thing to come of his meeting Trevor and wanting to help him was that he opened himself up to the friendships on offer and actually found the friends he wanted and needed in his life.

I ending worked for me. The way it was resolved was well done. I thought it would go one way but then it went another that was better.

Good afternoon’s read

A Ferry of Bones & Gold by Hailey Turner

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4.25 stars

This is even better on audio than reading the book.
The narrator brings all of the characters to life with their own voices and I found it so much easier to follow along with the storyline.

I loved Patrick in all his prickly glory. He went kicking and screaming into every situation and then buckled down and did what had to be done.

Jono was again a favourite. He has such a laid back attitude and it is the perfect foil for Patricks' more uptight one.

It always astounds me how the gods in this series have absolutely no respect for their weapon and what they have done to him. As far as they are concerned the end always justifies the means, and they don't care what they ask of him. 

Can't wait to continue on with this series