I really enjoyed this book. John used reviews of random things from present day (or recent history) to share his thoughts on life. His thoughts were different from mine and I found they offered interesting insights. If you're someone whose already gone deeper on the topics of grief and "why are we here" perhaps you'd find it shallower, but I would still recommend it.
Good memoir. It presents a valuable experience with bike advocacy from a non-white perspective. If I’m being honest I picked up this book in the hopes that more solutions or advice would be found in it.
I really enjoyed reading this. Ken Stern gives examples of failed charities, talks about the history of charity in the US, and issues with our non-profit system. I found everything really interesting.
I really loved this book. It brought together a lot of things I’ve heard are wrong with our democracy (and several things I didn’t) into an easy to get through comic book. I also really love that the book presents solutions. Throughout the book it presents examples of organizers who have brought change to their city or state, and at the end it gives you suggested actions you can take to get more involved!
I took one star off just because there are some claims that it makes in passing that really need more depth to explore. This is probably just the nature of the format, but it’s preventing me from giving it to some conservative friends who would get caught up on these specific points and miss the overall point of the book.