I really enjoyed each of these stories and how they connected with one another! It was so fun putting the pieces together as I read and understanding the significance of the different characters in each other’s lives. I especially loved the first two sections. The writing style in the third was a tad harder for me to follow, so it took longer to get through the latter half of the book. I have a feeling this is one I’ll be thinking about for a long time to come.
I think I wanted to like this book more than I actually found myself enjoying it. I’m intrigued by the idea of Caraval and some of the descriptive writing was truly captivating but the characters felt underdeveloped. Both the writing style and character development was distinctly juvenile, which I can excuse in a YA novel, but some of the themes leaned more adult at times and that made me wish for a bit more maturity overall. I’d be very interested to read if Garber ever tries her hand at New Adult fiction. I’m glad to have finally read this title though! I may find myself picking up the next in the series if I need something whimsical and easy to read.