A review by erinarkin20
The Rules for Breaking by Ashley Elston


Loved this one as much as the first. Definitely a must read.

The Rules for Breaking by Ashley Elston is the second book in the series I have to mention here that I don’t know why this series sat on my shelf for so long. I mean, Jaime kept telling me how good it was…I just didn’t listen. I finally decided to dive in and I absolutely loved The Rules for Disappearing. Also, I was super excited about the fact that I didn’t have to wait for more Ethan and Anna.

This book picks up shortly after The Rules for Disappearing ends and Anna and her family are no longer under Witness Protection. Unfortunately, Anna is still more than a little nervous about things. Especially since her journal has suddenly shown up with a note from “T”. In her efforts to protect those she loves, she chooses to keep this a secret…until Ethan finds out.

Once this happens, things start to move and honestly never stop. As part of the plan to ferret out a mole in the U.S. Marshall Service as well as protect Anna, her family, Ethan, and his family, it is decided to move them to Ethan’s family hunting club. Unfortunately for them, Thomas has connections and once he finds them, he will do anything to get what he wants, including kidnapping Anna, Ethan and Teeny.

As Anna and Ethan struggle to find out what really is going on all while staying alive, they find out exactly who gave Anna her journal back, what Thomas is up to, and who the mole is in the Marshall service.

The characters are great. Anna is still trying to protect her family, Ethan is still super swoony and trying to protect Anna, Thomas is an interesting bad guy, and the addition of a mystery character makes things intriguing. Teeny also comes out stronger in this book and I liked that she changed from the damaged little girl to one with a personality and a bit of an attitude.

Sorry for not giving you much detail here but I don’t want to give anything away. What I will tell you is that this book is continual action, danger, and mystery. If you enjoyed the first book, you will definitely like this one too. In addition to all of that, there is the relationship between Ethan and Anna. They hit some bumps along the way mostly due to the secrets Anna is keeping because she thinks she is protecting everyone.

It isn’t every day I come across a story that includes a high schooler and her challenges with the Witness Protection Program. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by this book (and book one) and encourage everyone to read this!