A review by transcendent
The Scapegracers by August Clarke


I didn't think I was going to give out a 5 star this late into the year to a book I've never read before- as I often just settle back into rereading safe books around this time of year- but my goodness am I glad that the cover of this drew me in at my local library.

There is nothing more I love than #girlpower when it's done in a very real way, and adding a queer perspective into it made me love it even more. Clarke is a wonderfully descriptive author and they spun me into a world where I could easily see myself in, whether be the look of the antique shop, the smell of Sideway's kitchen, the atmosphere of the parties I knew exactly where everything was happening, and could perfectly picture every single thing that happened. Their writing can easily be summarised as absolutely magic.

Sideways and all of her crew (Jing, Daisy, and Yates) are beautiful and so full of depth that I felt like I actually knew them, and I deeply understood all of their struggles with perception and projection of self to the world, particularly with the added struggle of being LGBT+ and not out.

Once again, I absolutely adored reading this and I will certainly buying a copy for myself once I return the library copy ❤️