A review by alexblackreads
Hidden Valley Road: Inside the Mind of an American Family by Robert Kolker


I loved this. The kind of weird thing about this book is that it's really not about schizophrenia at all- it spends the whole book talking about subjects around schizophrenia. I think if you're looking for this to be about the disease, you'll probably struggle.

But I found it so fascinating. It was a slow read, but one I struggled to put down. I loved how much he humanized all the people involved, from the family to the researchers to their friends. It was a superb work of characterization. In some cases we didn't have much information, but Kolker still managed to make the story feel complete.

And I loved getting a longterm look at the Galvin family, from the parents meeting through the next 80 years. It's one of my favorite types of stories and it was so interesting to watch them as everything changed for the worse and the better.

I really thoroughly enjoyed this book and would definitely recommend if it sounds like your kind of book. It was incredibly worthwhile and one of the best things I've read recently.