A review by nina_chan01
A Golden Fury by Samantha Cohoe


Alchemy is not something you find in books that much anymore and I'm glad Cohoe made it the central element of the story because it's fascinating and it lent some gravitas to a story that would not have stood out as much without it.
This book is a great combination of historical novel and light fantasy, in that the fantasy is just believing that alchemy is real and that the Philosopher's Stone can be created. Even the majority of the people in the world of the novel don't believe in alchemy, so it made the struggles of leading lady, Thea, seem a bit more sensational.
Following along with Thea's story as she leaves France after her mother succumbs to an alchemist curse, arrives in Oxford to a father that didn't even know she existed, and then winds up in London being forced to complete her mother's work if she has any hopes of helping herself and others she cares for, is a wild ride that kept me turning pages in the hopes that more would be revealed.
There is great character development when it comes to Thea, but almost every other character falls a bit flat just by way of not having much space within the story to grow. It's all about Thea, her insights, and how she experiences the situations. That made it a tad easier to accept that even the love interest is a bit of a caricature that is never fully realized.
Overall, I really enjoyed the inclusion of alchemy in the story and the pace at which the plot moves. It's not something that I would shout from rooftops about, but definitely a rec if you're looking for different, interesting, and quick.

Happy thanks to NetGalley and Wednesday Books for the early read.