A review by emilylovesbooks94
The Foxling Soldati by Charlie Cochet


As much as I loved Riley's confidence and sassiness in the first Soldati Hearts novella, Toka's shy sweetness was just as endearing in this story. I'm so happy that being a servant didn't mean that Toka felt like he couldn't express his wants and needs to Rayner. Though there was a power difference between them, it was abundantly clear that Toka was getting exactly what he asked for. If there were any doubts about Rayner's connection with Toka, the way they playfully romped around in their animal forms showed me everything I needed to know.

I'm still impressed by how much lore and action is packed into these short novellas. I was completely captivated by the inter-kingdom dynamics and eager to understand as much as I could about the Soldati. The Orso kingdom's visit had my nerves on edge the whole time, and I was waiting with bated breath to see how the conflict with Rayner would all work out. 

**I voluntarily read an ARC of this book. This review expresses my honest thoughts and opinions.