A review by cynicaltrilobite
The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs: A New History of a Lost World by Steve Brusatte


This is a fantastic introduction to the mesozoic world. It's written in a way that the layman can understand easily and also gives a good list of reference material should your thirst for paleontological knowledge not be quenched by this book.

I see the complaint that the author sometimes focuses a lot on the various paleontologists and scientists a bit too much, but I disagree with this assertion. It's not only valuable to be told "this is this dinosaur and it did x,y, and z" but also to be told "this person, who I know, made this discovery, here's how!" I find that it can somewhat remove the kind of mystical feel to paleontology that pervades a lot of pop science. Like all sciences it takes diligence and dedicated people behind it. It's good that they're represented.

I maybe would have liked a little more on the Jurassic, but I get why the Cretaceous gets all the attention.

Can't wait to read the Cenozoic one at some point.