A review by dragonbitebooks
Press Here by Hervé Tullet


This is perhaps one of the most interactive picture books that I have ever encountered. It would be a fantastic read-along book for bedtime. The illustrations change according to what the text asks the reader to do to the illustration, for example pressing the dots of a certain color a certain number of times, or shaking the book to rearrange the dots on the following page.

It's a lot of fun.

The story is less of a narrative, not moralistic, and simply pleasurable.

Updated: I read this to a young one. She got a little bored towards the middle, but the ideas of right and left seemed ahead of her, and so as the instructions got a little more complicated, I think her attention waned. But she initially seemed to enjoy it. I found that the text itself was more like guidelines than actual rules. I'd help her out with the instructions, add extra encouragement, occasionally skip the encouragement written in the text to help speed the story along and also to keep the continuity of our conversation. Still going to keep this one at 4 star rating for its unique and fun format however. I also recognize now that it is an opportunity to learn about right and left, gently, hard, colors, etc.