A review by cpogon
Dark Planet Warriors: The Complete Serial by Anna Carven


As someone who is fairly new to, not sci-fi, but alien fiction, I'm not well-versed in what readers generally appreciate about this genre. With that in mind, I kind of went into this book with no preconceived notions or ideas on how the story would play out.
Knowing that, I have to say that I can see why this genre is so popular. That is, if any of the other authors are as invigorating as Ms. Carver.

This book wasn't the longest I've ever read, but even considering the shorter length, I feel that the characters were well-established. Many times in shorter works, such as this, I feel like the characters don't have time to get parsed out or for the story to flow in a way that is believable.
Maybe it's because this is such a fantastical story, but I found that the personalities of the two main characters were both developed and believable.

I have a couple more books I need to read and review before I start on the next book in the series, but I am extremely excited to see where Ms. Carver takes things and I'm hoping for more of the characters that I fell in love with in this first installment!

Christine @ Captivated Reading