A review by sagek
Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton


Rebel of the Sands was not easy to put down. In fact, I didn't put it down until I read the last page; it was that good. This quick and engaging read pulled me in with it's premise and kept me hooked because of lovely bonds and great world building. I was eager to get lost in the world, and the writing really helped pull me in. For me, that was what helped me overlook some things that I notice now that I have finished the book.

The writing is light and Almost sugar-coated. Faced with danger and adrenaline, violence and darkness, the atmosphere still feels light and almost daring. Most of the time however, it keeps the pace moving and it sucks you in easily. The author has a way with words, and easily weaves emotions and life into fiction so that you can connect and enjoy what you visualize. So while the atmosphere it creates may not always seem to fit with some scenes, it all comes together and you hardly notice that the pieces don't fit until after you've already read the book. That is a skill, and this author is very talented.

*Read my full review here