A review by rkiladitis
The Sisters of Straygarden Place by Hayley Chewins


Hayley Chewins is back! Her 2018 novel, The Turnaway Girls, was one of the best books I'd read that year, so I was excited to read her newest, The Sisters of Straygarden Place. The Ballastian Sisters - Winnow, Mayhap, and Pavonine - have lived in the house by themselves after their parents left seven years before, only a note telling them to "sleep darkly" left behind. The house takes care of their basic needs - food, clothing, shelter - but they cannot leave the house, lest the tall silver grass take them. Winnow grows tired of waiting and ventures outside, leaving 12-year-old Mayhap to take care of their youngest sister, Pavonine, and figure out how to heal 14-year-old Winnow. As Mayhap discovers more about the house and the history of the magic within it, the mystery deepens. Readers will love this gorgeous, dark fantasy written with prose that's almost lyrical, magical. Hayley Chewins writes like Neil Gaiman, where the words just caress you, wrap themselves around you, and when you're fully under their spell, tell you stories that will leave you wondering. In a world where dogs crawl into your mind to help you sleep and the grass tempts you to come outside so it can take you away, The Sisters of Straygarden Place is truly magical reading.