A review by britreadsalot
Reached by Ally Condie


I finally finished the last book of the Matched series and I have to say this one is my favorite. So much has happened in Reached that it seems like the lives Cassia, KY and Xander had in the first book was a lifetime ago.

So much surprise and revelations were revealed in this book. Where to begin...

( Spoiler Alert!!!)

The first revelation and surprise would be Thats the rising and the society were not very different after all. In fact they were pretty much the same people. The Pilot said so himself.

This second surprise and revelation was we found out who put Ky's name into the matching pool. I can safely say I did not see that one coming. Cassia? Very big surprise! I guess it paid off for her in the end.

I didn't expect Indi and Ky to kiss or for her to die. I thought she might get sick but that was it. I feel a little betrayed for Cassia when, he admitted to kissing her back. I'm glad it only happened once.

Another surprise was Cassia Grandpa being in the rising. Okay maybe it wasn't that big of a surprise. I guess I did kinda see that one coming. The new information about the poems was interesting. And about the hiding of the artifacts on his part.

I was happy to learn Nea Lae was alive. I didn't expect her to be LANEY though. Poor Vic. He never made it home to her. :( But at least some good came of her situation. She ended up with Xander.

And last... Hunter was the one unplugging the bags from the sick? I sympathize with him, but he could have killed Ky!!! That would have been unforgivable.

Now, on to the things I didn't like.

- Cassia's dad didn't survive the plague.

- She also didn't get back any of the artifacts that were taken or traded. The compus. The compact. The watch.

- It never explained the outcome of the vote. I wanted to know if the society would take back control and split KY and Cassia again. Actually maybe it's better I didn't know. I don't think I could take it if they were split again. But at least they got to vote. One step toward freedom. Anna was the real Pilot all along. She deserves to lead.

-I was hoping someone could make it to the unknown lands. I was curious what was there. I was hoping Matthew Markham would be found.

-Ada and Patrick were never recovered. :(

* I guess everything couldn't have worked out perfectly though, could it?

-And finally, now that the series is over I'm lost and don't know what to do with my life. Its always like that with the series though, isn't it? Maybe it'll be fun to go back and reread all the books again now that I know everything.

(End of spoilers)

I'll definitely be reading more of Allie Condie's work in the future. I highly recommend the series to everyone. If you want stories about fighting back and standing up for what's right and what you believe in, then this series is for you. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.