A review by booksuperpower
Face the Music by Brandy L. Rivers


Face The Music: A Dauntless Indies publication is a short story anthology book featuring some of today's most promising indie authors.

This anthology's theme is music as one might gather from the title. The central location is Seattle, home of the highly touted Bumbershoot festival, and the stories lean on the paranormal side, some more than others.

The first story is Unbound Adventures - A White Aura Short by Felicia Tatum, followed by Red Queen – An Others of Seattle short by Brandy L. Rivers, Trouble with Partners- The Misadventures of Maggie Moore 2 by Michelle Graves, Dark Blessing: A Crimson and Clover Lagniappe by Sarah Cradit,and last but not least, A Case of Possession – An Aiden and Idonie Adventure by Michele Breaux- Rowley.

This book is a like a sampler if you will, giving each author a chance at center stage to show off some of their work in “speed dating” style. This is an awesome way to meet new authors and get a taste of their writing style, a feel for the type of series they write, and for those of us who are familiar with some of these authors and are long time fans, we get a little extra bonus story from our favorite series.

Naturally, in a showcase of this nature you have one or two stories that will really stick out from the others, and that was the case for me in this one. I am familiar with a few authors featured here, but I don't think I have read Felicia Tatum previously, so I was intrigued by her story quite a bit. I expressed interest in this book initially because I really enjoy Sarah Cradit's work, so, it goes without saying I enjoyed her story quite bit as well.

A few of these stories are super short, almost bordering on flash fiction and others are more fleshed out. There is action, humor, and romance all with a musical backdrop which I thought was pretty fun. Overall, I think the book accomplishes it's goal and each story is a solid representation of their work. Overall this one gets 4 stars.