A review by kaylin_ysanne
A Cage of Crimson by K.F. Breene


Overall: Disappointed ☹️

Lowered my expectations for the book about a few pages in as I realised it was going to be a  good ol’ smutty book - this meant I was okay if the author ‘told me’ instead of ‘showed me’ the characters, their backstory and the setting, I would have been okay with insta love/lust etc. Even then, I was disappointed and DNF at 85%. 

• 🐢 Pacing - I thought it overly descriptive and found myself skipping a few paragraphs at time. Story was draggy at times, especially towards the end. I gave up at 85% because it felt like the author dragged things out for too long. 

• 👫🏻 Characters - Auriela was alright; Weston is okay but didn’t particularly make me swoon; Hadriel was my favourite because he seemed the most complex of all the characters and had his own personality. Shame this wasn’t the same with the leads. 

• 🌶️ Sex scenes - steamy ♨️, but I wished there was more attention spent on the story instead of them making out. They also had sex within the first two or three chapters of the book which I thought was too soon (I get they’re true mates, but still 🫤). There was quite a bit of angry/hate sex, which isn’t my thing, but that’s just my preference. 

• 📖 Story USP - meh. Reference to little red riding hood, but mainly an alpha werewolf/true mates story. I thought the premise of Auriela being a drug maker was interesting and Weston ‘the police’. There was potential, but execution fell short.