A review by rjordan19
The Chief by Monica McCarty


Doing a quick skim through for steam stats.

Still love this story, though it does have some decently long separations between the hero and heroine. And the heroine is a bit of a ninny. And there's some boring parts where she works to clean up the house, etc

I love the sex in this one though! And the kiss!

Content warnings:
Attempted sexual assault - man holds her, refuses to listen, kisses, paws, and rips her dress to grope her breast
Painful sexual encounter when heroine loses her virginity
Death/violence on page

Locations of kisses/intimate scenes:
Pg 79 - heroine goes in her nightgown into bed with Tor, who thinks she's there for a good time. He starts kissing her, rubbing her, some breast play, one fingering touch, then he takes her virginity from behind. It's painful for the heroine and they stop because he's like WTF
Pg 114 - a chaste wedding kiss
Pg 165 - breast play and fingering for her (O), missionary sex (both O)
Pg 204 - brief remembered sex
Pg 220 - from behind sex - I loved this scene because he's mad she orgasms and he can't see her face, he feels cheated. So he flips her over and makes her come again and demands she meets his gaze while doing it
Pg 250 - the first REAL KISS
Pg 282 - brief kiss
Pg 326 - oral for her (O), followed by missionary sex
Total pages - 405

Original review 12/15/2018:

This book. THIS BOOK