A review by lawbooks600
The Turnaway Girls by Hayley Chewins


Trigger warnings: Physical injury, abuse

7/10, I've been wanting to read this for a while and this seemed interesting to me and the concept looked good as well however the execution was only ok, while some aspects were great some needed some improvement especially considering I've read better books since then, where do I even begin. It starts off with the main character Delphernia Undersea or Delphernia for short and she lives on this island alongside other characters and the masters whose true colours reveal themselves later on in the book. Everything looks fine at first until the masters are just these very cruel characters and I could almost feel bad for Delphernia except for the fact that she didn't really experience any character development. Delphernia tries to do nothing about the situation but it just keeps getting worse and worse with one of the masters even ripping her nail off, that was brutal and I wondered why the masters would even do this but maybe she broke a rule or something along those lines. The ending however was action packed as eventually Delphernia led a revolution against the masters which succeeded ending this on a high note.