A review by toggle_fow
Rogue Planet by Greg Bear


Okay I don't know what to say about this book's plotline. It's fine, but it seems like it could be described as "things just happening to Obi-Wan and Anakin." For the main overarching story they are supposed to be investigating the disappearance of a Jedi, but it seems like they mostly just chill on Zonoma Sekot and wait for answers to be revealed to them.

Also several things toe the line between "wow a unique imaginative idea" and "okay that's Too Weird." The thing with Sienar and Tarkin was also somewhat difficult to follow: namely, what even was Tarkin's deal? What was he even trying to do? It seemed like he really just wanted to destroy Zonoma Sekot for kicks.

However... do I care about these things? Not really.

I have more important things on my mind, such as GREG BEAR'S INCREDIBLY STRONG CHARACTERIZATION GAME. This book understands Obi-Wan and Anakin better than any (official) Star Wars media I have ever seen, with the possible exception of Stover's ROTS novelization. Every chapter with them was a mile-a-minute thrill of OF COURSE OBI WAN WOULD SAY THAT. OF COURSE THAT'S HOW ANAKIN THINKS. (For me this is what passes for mile-a-minute thrills.)

I was so hyped for their every single interaction that having to go back to Sienar and Tarkin every other chapter was a severe disappointment. Anakin is my twelve-year-old son whom I have raised these many years, and whom I adore. Obi-Wan is at his youngest and most uptight, and I love him more than my own life.

Some things:
• "Is the Chosen One not in his room?" Apparently Anakin is just casually referred to as the Chosen One around the Jedi Temple.

• Is this book hinting at the Yuuzhan Vong? Because I have never read the Yuuzhan Vong series, but I couldn't think of anyone else qualified to be the "Far Outsiders" besides maybe the Chiss, and it was pretty obvious it wasn't the Chiss.

• BPD Anakin Skywalker

• Obi-Wan is so tired. He's like, Do we have to almost die 5 times before breakfast for no reason, Anakin? We're not even on a mission, we're AT HOME. Anakin's like, YES. WE DO. And Obi-Wan's just like, Okay then. He's so tired.

• So, when Anakin met Tarkin again during "The Citadel" arc of TCW, does he recognize him as the same guy who took him prisoner as a twelve-year-old? I'm thinking probably not, but you can BET that Tarkin knew exactly who he was talking to the whole time. No wonder their later relationship was Tarkin "holding Vader's leash." Tarkin has been playing Anakin Skywalker since he was 12.

• Obi-Wan using Qui-Gon's lightsaber. 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

• THRACIA CHO LEEM. First of all... I am confused. She's married several times? She has many children? She's a Jedi Master the whole Council loves and respects? How do these things go together...? Was marriage not actually considered a violation of Jedi vows? Also, she leaves the Order as a master... but is not counted as one of the Lost 20? What on earth is happening.

• "I dreamed I was with Qui-Gon. He said to tell you hello. He said you're so hard to talk to."

• I love the portrayal of the Council in this.

• "Personally, Obi-Wan found ritual a bore." NOBODY ELSE HAS BALANCED OBI-WAN KENOBI'S MANY CONTRADICTIONS THIS WELL EXCEPT RUTH BAULDING. I AM HOLLERING. There are like ten other awesome points of Obi-Wan characterization, but I'm not going to include them all here because you have to just read the book.

• Anakin liquidizes some guy's innards with his mind in a fit of rage.

• "If there's some sort of airship race here, can we try it?" " 'We'?" "Sure, you'd be great. You learn fast, but you've gotta be more confident." No offense but I have never read anything better than this in my life.