A review by smart_as_paint
The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger


Holden Caulfield is the epitome of born in the wrong generation

No, not because of casual misogyny or listless wandering that has become to a modern generation of men. Heck, the closest thing that exists to "internet humor" is a sickly nihilistic trauma response that Caulfield has perfected. "In green ink. He wrote them on it so that he'd have something to read when he was in the field and nobody was up at bat. He's dead now." is a ready-made 4chan copypasta.

Perhaps the one thing our red hat wielding hero could learn from the current crop of online lancelots is that trauma is best hidden in plain sight. There is no need to conceal darkness at the end of sentences. The world is on fire and we're running out of ice.

The real reason Holden Caulfield was born in the wrong generation is because what he really needs is a platform on which to share his thoughts— especially his thoughts about media. I think he would really get a kick out of Goodreads. Or at least Letterboxd.