A review by booksinblossom
De details by Ia Genberg


 🌈 << Ik voelde me daardoor aangetrokken, inhaleerde dat, liet me bevruchten door haar manier van praten en zijn. Ik paste me aan, maakte mijn eigen versie, liet me door haar voor altijd veranderen. Het ik, of het zogenoemde ‘ik’, is niets anders dan dat: residuen van de mensen tegen wie we aanwrijven. Ik was dol op Johanna’s woorden en gebaren en lijfde ze in, opzettelijk of niet. Waarschijnlijk is dat de kern van de relaties die we hebben, en waarschijnlijk is dat de reden waarom ze, in zekere zin, nooit ophouden. >>

The Details is a sparkling novel were the narrator revisits four meaningful people in her life: Johanna, with whom she had an intense relationship and who would later become a celebrity. Niki, a friend who suddenly disappeared from the earth. Alejandro, a great love but someone with whom she saw no future. And Brigitta, who struggled with a great trauma.
The relationship of each character with the main character is revealed, layer by layer, by means of details. But who is actually the subject of this portrait, the ones who are described, or the writer herself?

Recently, I've devoured The Details for the second time. I was so glad to see it on the shortlist for the International Booker Prize (2024). The writing is so elegant, seems so effortlesly written. This book is divine. One of my favorite reads!