A review by mustlovemustypages
Santa Cows by Cooper Edens


This to me was one of the creepiest books of my childhood. I seriously was frightened by all of the pictures and the general plotline kind of gave me chills.

This to me was also one of my favorite books of my childhood. It was like my "secret thriller." You know- that book or movie that you should completely hate because of how weird or frightening it is, but you just can't because some part of it speaks to you. This book was that for me.

Looking back now, it's probably because I grew up not all that far from farms. Farms with cows. So the thought that come Christmas Eve night they may be floating through the sky like big mutant reindeer was unsettling to say the least.


The story basically is a twist on [b:The Night Before Christmas|196970|The Night Before Christmas|Clement C. Moore|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1388370094s/196970.jpg|3043272]. There is nothing "classic" about the retelling though. Instead of being nestled snug in their beds, the children of the story are plunked down in front of the TV on Christmas Eve. And I'm pretty positive that the original tale did not include the reindeer (aka Cows) playing baseball in the sky.

I must say that while the pictures were creepy, they were also wonderful depictions. The colors and style really set the tone of the story and I just couldn't look away as my parents read the book to me every night.


Yes, I said every night. This, along with its sequel, [b:Santa Cow Island|2482931|Santa Cow Island|Cooper Edens|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1266861181s/2482931.jpg|2490133] were my answer to "What do you want to read tonight?"

Actually, we read it so many times that the front covers fell off. I think the book is out of print now, but perhaps I should check out Ebay or Amazon to buy a used copy (thanks to blogger The Cat in the Hat for that info (and pictures).

I would recommend that if you can find this, buy it. Pick up the second one too. I'm positive that you and your children will be just as enamored with it as I was (Christmas time or not).