A review by storycrab
The City Stained Red by Sam Sykes


There's a piece of advice that people creating stories with multiple main characters (especially cinematic universes) often forget. The audience has to care about EVERY character, and not just them in isolation, they have to care about the relationships between them.

This is by no means any easy feat. The most common criticism I hear about Game of Thrones is that readers frequently say that they don't care about half the characters. Almost any Marvel or DC fan will tell you that there are characters that they just don't care to watch. And these are stories that will define a generation.

So I hope I'm really selling how good this book is when I say that I care about all of these characters. I care that they stick together. I care that they survive. I care that they desperately need to shut up and listen to each other for once. I care about whether or not they become better people because I can see bits of myself in each of them.

While the story does take a little bit to get started the humor does distract until the dramatic meat of the tale begins. I cannot wait to see where these characters end up.