A review by sleepysamreads
Girls with Sharp Sticks by Suzanne Young


You can find this review and others on my blog SleepySamReads!

I’m gonna be honest with you, I wasn’t feeling this one in the beginning. The characters were meh and the storyline was kinda slow. But I kept reading (which I usually DNF really fast if I’m not enjoying a story, so I must have seen something in it) and I have to say, the last like 150 pages were GREAT. They had me so enraptured. It was just so good. But without spoiling everything, I can’t say too much.

The characters in the beginning are pretty boring. There’s really no way around that, but once you learn things about Innovations Academy and what their deal is, you learn how that’s intentional. I still can’t really tell you much about the girls as individuals, but I’m thinking that will come in the sequel.

I want to learn more about Leandra. I think she is so fascinating.

This book actually reminded me a lot of The Quiet at the End of the World by Lauren James. It raises a lot of similar questions.

This book is TERRIFYING. Women must be perfect and obedient and we are allowed to exist only thanks to the good graces of men. I really don’t think this is far off from what some men want women to be and can see a future similar to this. It’s such bullshit, but if you just look under some twitter threads/youtube videos you can see the like minded men. Which is just really horrifying. Anyway, girls will always sharpen their sticks and men will never win.

I wish I could talk in more detail about it, but I don’t want this to be a spoiler-y review. I think I’m just going to leave it here. I definitely recommend picking this up if you get the chance!