A review by parklandmom
Secretly Yours by Valerie Comer


Completed: Jan. 03rd
Series: Riverbend Romance, #1 (Canadian author)
Format: Kindle e-Book 

Challenge Prompt: ARoCF's January prompt, "A CF book that has winter sports in it" -- snowshoeing

Book #02 of 2024: I read books 2 & 3 first. I will complete all of them at some point.

Was this believable for real life? No. But that is okay! Sometimes we need some whimsy and fun! This book is enjoyable in that regard but there is also an important lesson. It's very easy to chain ourselves to our insecurities, failures, responsibilities, etc. and neglect or ignore our freedom in Christ. That reminder alone made this worth the read! BUT, a guy offering up romance and swoon to a woman so selfless doesn't hurt either!