A review by thiscubed
All Out: The No-Longer-Secret Stories of Queer Teens throughout the Ages by Saundra Mitchell


This anthology was so good! I enjoyed every story and they all brought something unique so it never felt repetitive and each story was engaging despite how short they were.

My favorite was Every Shade of Red, which was a retelling of Robin Hood where Robin is trans and gay and it's told through his lover's perspective. I absolutely adored the idea and the writing was superb.

My second favorite was The Inferno & The Butterfly. I won't give too much away but it has gay magician assistants. It was the first thing I read written by Shaun David Hutchison and I can't wait to read more of his work.

The last one I'll mention is And They Don't Kiss at the End. It deals with asexuality (the character is seemingly not into romance either so possibly aromanticism as well, though I don't believe that was the intent) and while I was spoiled by Let's Talk About Love with how well asexuality is written about, this story handled it well too. Plus, it's great to see a story centered on an ace character included in a specifically queer anthology.

Anyway, I would recommend this to anyone who wants more queer stories that aren't set in present day. They're all wonderful.