A review by sergeykiz
Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams by Philip K. Dick


I got to admit an uncomfortable truth :if you try to retell a basic premises of PKD’ prose to other people you going to have very hard time.You going to see a lot of highbrow scepticism. Truth is - its quite deserved: a big bunch of Dick’s ideas and concepts comes out as over the top , far fetched or simply nonsensical stuff...robo-Mutants, Telepaths anti-Telepaths and so on. If you don’t believe me try to explain your Mum or colleague at work the storyline of 3 Stigmatas of Palmer Eldritch . They ll take their ham sandwich and coffee somewhere else .

Having said that ,if you read his stuff first handed or watch classics like “blade runner” you realise one thing- ...Phillip K Dick is one greatest visionary who’s mind bending short stories were way ahead of its time .No surprise he didn’t get the recognition he deserved back in the days...

Today with global internet network,fake news, subtle propaganda from all around the world and religious wars - PKDs prose is probably even more relevant than it was half a century ago. It deals with the whole fabric of reality , freedom, choice and what’s its like to be a human. something that escapes us in our day to day life.