A review by sweetcuppincakes
A Pelican Book: Object-Oriented Ontology by Graham Harman


Not sure if OOO is for me. That's all I can say about it. Seems like it would take a leap of faith to be on board with it, as a theory of everything, because, while there's plenty of nice writing and examples of why and how philosophy has sold itself short or cordoned itself into an ivory-tower-shaped box that is helplessly removed from Reality and Real Objects, the argument for why OOO is the better alternative is left wanting. That the use of metaphor is one of the only ways we can come into contactless contact with Real Objects is particularly perplexing. I suppose for someone like me, an Anglo/analytical philosophy-phile with little experience with or exposure to Continental philosophy, this introduction to OOO somehwat piqued my interest in bold alternatives to Everything That's Wrong With Analytical Philosophy. But it hasn't really won me over or made me want to (at least attempt to - again) take Continental philosophy seriously.