A review by etienne02
Deep Space: The Furthest Reaches of Our Universe by Robert Harvery


Beautiful book by Amber again. The NG pdf files doesn't give it true justice in term of photography quality, slightly better on the NG apps, but I had the chance to put my hand on a physical copy of their recently and they are quite pretty in real life.

Mostly pictures book, their is so information, which is relevant, but the appeal is more about the photography. That one as some amazing picture of deep space object and developing a new interest in astronomy at the moment, the timing for me and this book was perfect.

Short editorial note here about Goodreads. Have you notice how many books are misspell recently on Goodreads. Just this book, the author i Harvey and here it,s spell Harvery. i notice bunch of those, sometimes misspell, sometimes a complete different name in the title or the author... most of them are book now on NG, not sure was is the source of it but if some Goodreads librarian reads this, well you should dig that up a bit!!