A review by samsbookworld
The Perfect Marriage by Jeneva Rose


This book is the equivalent of a car crash: Absolutely horrible but you can’t stop reading it. 
The characters are horrible and not in a nice morally grey character way. Everyone acts unbelievably unreasonable and way too over dramatic. A lot of things that happened merely happened for some tension and the failed attempt of a shock factor. The characters were so unlikeable and annoying I could have not cared less for anything that happened to them. Even though you were clearly supposed to feel bad for Adam and Sarah and root for justice. 
The thriller aspect of this book wasn’t well done either. The ending was horribly rushed and the supposedly mind blowing plot twist wasn’t shocking at all. On top of that we learned more about Adams d!ck then anything relating the murder. The amount of times he randomly kissed or even fucked a woman, made me question if I really was reading a thriller and not some desperate fuck boy story. Not to mention the fact that Adam was trying sooo hard to be some kind of alpha male. 
However I gotta give the book the credit that it entertained me well. Everything was so random and badly written that it made me laughed and kept me reading. If you wanna have a goof funny hate read I recommend this book. If you’re actually looking for a good thriller and enjoyable read I definitely encourage you to pick up any other book but not this one.