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2025 Monthly Themed Book Title Challenge

Hosted by melp92

Each month throughout 2025 pick a book with a title that fits the themed prompt (be as strict or flexible as you want!). Have fun and stretch your reading and goal

12 prompts | 17 participants | 16 books added

2025 Alphabet Soup – Author Edition Reading Challenge

Hosted by dollycas

 Author Edition Reading Challenge!Just for Fun!It's An Alphabet Challenge!Start keeping track of your authors and by December 31, 2025your bowls must be filled by one author for each letter of the Alphabet.Be sure to include the book title too....

26 prompts | 5 participants | 0 books added

2025 Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge

Hosted by dollycas

 JUST FOR FUN!This is my favorite Challenge! The Alphabet Soup Challenge means that by December 31, 2025your bowls must be filled with one book for each letter of the Alphabet. Each Letter Counts As 1 Spoonful  DetailsThis challenge will run fr...

26 prompts | 8 participants | 2 books added

Borrowed Books

Hosted by caecilia

Borrowed Books

15 books | 2 participants

Magical Readathon Lightfall 2024

Hosted by beata

Third mini round of Lightfall is upon us. Magical Readathon was created by G. from Book Roast on youtube. Here's a slightly outdated playlist of Magical Readathon with announcements of full semesters, year long as well as mini rounds and a How...

1 prompt | 49 participants | 157 books added