Against Throne and Altar: Machiavelli and Political Theory Under the English Republic by Paul Anthony Rahe

Against Throne and Altar: Machiavelli and Political Theory Under the English Republic

Paul Anthony Rahe

422 pages first pub 2008 (editions)

history politics challenging informative medium-paced
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Against Throne and Altar: Machiavelli and Political Theory Under the English Republic by Paul Anthony Rahe is a intriguing read for anyone fascinated by the intersection of politics, philosophy, and history, particularly those interested in the evolution of republicanism, the works of Machiavelli, and the intellectual traditions of the 17th-century English Republic.


Modern republicanism - distinguished from its classical counterpart by its commercial character and jealous distrust of those in power, by its use of representative institutions, and by its employment of a separation of powers and a system of chec...

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