Trachodon 2: A Dinosaur of a Little Magazine by Abby E. Murray, Brian Maxwell, Michael Delp

Trachodon 2: A Dinosaur of a Little Magazine

Abby E. Murray, Brian Maxwell, Michael Delp

84 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction classics literary medium-paced
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Trachodon 2: A Dinosaur of a Little Magazine is a captivating read for readers who appreciate literary depth, nuanced storytelling, and diverse perspectives, offering a rich tapestry of experiences that will resonate with those who value the complexities of the human condition and the beauty of the natural world.


TRACHODON 2 features literary writing by some of today's most engaging authors. In "Forked River," Oregon Book Award-winner Scott Nadelson takes us into the offices of the New Jersey state government, and into the heart of a lobbyist whose life is...

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