IMS: A New Model for Blending Applications by Matthew Stafford, Jerry Shih, Mark Wuthnow

IMS: A New Model for Blending Applications

Informa Telecoms & Media

Matthew Stafford, Jerry Shih, Mark Wuthnow

388 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction art computer science technology
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IMS: A New Model for Blending Applications by Matthew Stafford, Jerry Shih, Mark Wuthnow is a must-read for forward-thinking professionals in the fields of technology, computer science, and telecommunications who seek to harness the transformative power of IMS to revolutionize the way they design, deploy, and market innovative applications that seamlessly blend the internet and interactive telecommunications.


IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) technology, which merges the Internet with interactive telecommunications, represents the here and now for today's packet-switched networks. Consequently, anyone working with or around these converging fields needs to...

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