On Christopher Street: Transgender Stories by Mark Seliger

On Christopher Street: Transgender Stories

Mark Seliger

160 pages first pub 2016 (editions)

nonfiction lgbtqia+ challenging emotional reflective slow-paced
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On Christopher Street: Transgender Stories by Mark Seliger is a poignant and challenging book that is a perfect fit for readers who are open-minded, empathetic, and eager to explore the complexities of identity, community, and acceptance, and who will be deeply moved by the powerful stories and portraits of trans individuals who are redefining what it means to be seen and heard.


On Christopher Street there are all kinds of sexual orientations and gender identities, endless possibilities of potential selves: transgender, transsexual, non-binary, genderqueer, femme, butch, cross-dresser, drag kings, drag queens, and many ot...

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