Japanese Women Writers: A Bio-Critical Sourcebook by Kyoko Nagamatsu, Ann Sherif, Chieko Mulhern, Paul McGrath, Michiko Aoki, Edith Lorraine Sarra, Fumiko Y. Yamamato, Sanroku Yoshida, Rebecca L. Copeland, Nobuto Tsukui, Keiko McDonald, S. Yumiko Hulvey, H. Richard Okada, Yoshiko Yokochi Samuel, Felice Fischer, Joseph D. Parker, Livia Monnet, James R. Morita, Michiko N. Wilson

536 pages first pub 1994 (editions)

challenging informative slow-paced
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Japanese Women Writers: A Bio-Critical Sourcebook is a treasure trove for scholars and literature enthusiasts seeking to uncover the rich and often overlooked contributions of Japanese women writers, offering a comprehensive and meticulously researched guide to the lives and works of 58 remarkable women who have shaped the country's literary landscape.


Women have made many important contributions to Japanese literature since the Heian period (794-1192), when Murasaki Shikibu wrote her prose masterpiece, The Tale of Genji. Even earlier, though documentation is scant, women actively participated i...

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