Beyond Boundaries: Understanding, Translation and Anthropological Discourse by Gísli Pálsson
Beyond Boundaries: Understanding, Translation and Anthropological Discourse

Gísli Pálsson

Beyond Boundaries: Understanding, Translation and Anthropological Discourse

Gísli Pálsson

272 pages first pub 1994 (editions)

informative reflective medium-paced
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For the curious and open-minded reader who is eager to explore the complexities of cultural understanding and translation in a rapidly globalizing world, Beyond Boundaries: Understanding, Translation and Anthropological Discourse by Gísli Pálsson offers a challenging journey through the perspectives of ten anthropologists from diverse backgrounds, shedding light on the intricacies of social understanding and cultural exchange.


Anthropology, it is often argued, is an art of translation. Recently, however, social theorists have raised serious doubts about the translator's enterprise. Over the last few years the human social and ecological habitat has seen spectacular deve...

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